What is THIMUN?

The Hague Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations Organisation, where every year over 3500 students from all over the world come together to discuss global issues. Each school represents a country and through lobbying, drafting and debating exercises, the delegates hope to find solutions to problems relating to Human Rights, Peace and Security, Disarmament, Environment....and this year's topic of Crime and Punishment. This year CDL represents Zimbabwe.

Participation in THIMUN gives students a unique educational experience where they can develop public-speaking and debating techniques, research tools and valuable communication skills. Students leave THIMUN with a new level of autonomy and global awareness that prepares them for their future.

Enjoy following the CDL THIMUN team!

CDL MUN Directors

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 6: Delegation dinner...

Traditional Indian Delights: thank you CDL!
Delegation dinner and debate...what colour is your roommate's toothbrush?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 6: Last debates...

HR Plenary: tired? trying to see the speaker? sharing hair extensions?

Illuminated breakfast briefing...

The joys of plenary...

OPCW: the elusive DC 1 hidden from the paparazzi's eye...

...only to return and hide amongst the "D's"

Amendment in Special Conference: micro-credit loans?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 5: Debates, Amendments...

Disarmament 2: working well but called to order...

THIMUN Fair Bear

GA1: Nukes or no nukes?

Socializing after the vote is in order

Reading the screen: easy in the front row!

Amendment: psychologists: yes, psychotherapists: no.

Reading Munity: "What kind of delegate are you?"

Congratulations after the big speech!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 4: Pick me, pick me!

Tactic: prepare, prepare, prepare

Tactic: look nonchalant...

Tactic: wave placard around...

Finally picked...POI in Environment

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 3

Day 3: Opening Speeches...

General Assembly: Ambassador calls for constructive participation!

Special Conference: Let's get those weeds at the root!

Pairs ripe to debate...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 2: Zimbabwe meets Zimbabwe

Delegation with the representative from the Zimbabwe Mission

Day 2: Lobby in the Lobby!

Down in Disarmament...

Human Rights: Negotiating the non-negotiable..

The Twilight Zone: is there justice on Mars?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

DAY 1 - Amsterdam!

Training in the train...country starting with the letter...X?

Sunday sightseeing sprinkle...bustling sidewalks