What is THIMUN?

The Hague Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations Organisation, where every year over 3500 students from all over the world come together to discuss global issues. Each school represents a country and through lobbying, drafting and debating exercises, the delegates hope to find solutions to problems relating to Human Rights, Peace and Security, Disarmament, Environment....and this year's topic of Crime and Punishment. This year CDL represents Zimbabwe.

Participation in THIMUN gives students a unique educational experience where they can develop public-speaking and debating techniques, research tools and valuable communication skills. Students leave THIMUN with a new level of autonomy and global awareness that prepares them for their future.

Enjoy following the CDL THIMUN team!

CDL MUN Directors

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Below you can consult the THIMUN 2010 Conference photos when CDL represented Slovenia. The Special Conference in 2010 was on Good Governance.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 6: Bye bye THIMUN 2010

Slovenia in the Sun

Day 5: Closing ceremonies...

General Assembly - Flag ceremony

Delicious Delegation Dinner - Thank you CDL!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 5: Closing Remarks

Speech on R2P...R2P RnotR2P?

Last chance to get the floor in Human Rights...

See you in Slovenia!

Day5: Plenaries - Spot the Slovenians!

Disarmament - Easy...they have a placard!

Environment - Medium...they're helping

Special Conference - Difficult...they're hiding.

General Assembly - Totally impossible!

Day 5: Paparazzi challenge




Day 5: Asking a question...

Slovenia replies

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4: Guidelines

"Delegation Paper for Dummies"
Chapter 1: Basic format to end a debate

"Debriefing for Dummies"
Chapter 1: It can be fun too!

Day 4: How to pass an amendment - part 1

Think about it.

Listen to the others.

Draft it.

Day 4: How to pass an amendment - part 2

Propose and defend it.

Vote for it.

Enjoy it!

Day 4: P.O.I.

Point of Information in Environment I

Day 4: Slovenia in the Tabloids!

MUNITY is the daily paper at THIMUN
The Paparazzi got to our delegates too!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Opening Speech General Assembly

Delegate of Slovenia's opening speech

Day 3: Pick me, pick me, pick me!!!

...just be ready if you're called!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 2: Changing of the Flags

From one Ambassador to another...behold the rites of passage!

Day 2: Let's Lobby!

Sitting Bull?

Splitting hairs....
Standing Up For Your Clauses

Day 1: Amsterdam - Breaking the Ice!

Warm up exercises before THIMUN!